The Natural Arch | Hike 03
The Natural Arch
Hike 03 | 01-06-18
While we were in Santa Fe, Angie and I took a little trip over to Los Alamos to the Old Mitchell Trail to see the Natural Arch there. Google got us lost and I had lost my patience by the time we pulled up to the trailhead nestled right on the edge of a neighborhood. That was my first sign that this would be an easy, boring hike, which is exactly what it turned out to be. They had mullien everywhere. Mullien is an invasive species that we kill in the Wichita Mountains. It can eventually take over an area and make it impossible for the indigenous plants to grow. I was distracted by how much there was in the area. I kept wanting to stop and pull it as I hiked. Apparently there was a fire at some point and so it was wasteland. Overall, it wasn’t worth the effort. The arch itself is neat, but the excitement wore off fast. I do like the photos I got. Check them out.