Solo Hike to the Rock Rooms
Solo Hike to the Rock Rooms
My friend, the proliferant John Reenan, asked me the weekend before if I had ever explored or ascended the northwest part of Elk Mountain. I realized I never had. I was freed up this past Sunday morning so I decided to take a solo hike there so I could tell John that I had indeed explored that area. Aaron Manuel was in the Visitor Center that morning hanging out with Randy Hale. Aaron said it was the fastest way to The Rock Rooms. Randy showed me a photo of where I needed to turn and I was off.
The weather was perfect. The hike up was unfamiliar and since I was alone, I was more cautious than I usually am. I had never been in The Rock Room alone before. It was fantastic. I barely saw a soul. I spent some time with some bats and I poked a copperhead with a stick and watched it magically split into two (I didn’t initially see there were two). I got back to my car just before the rain started.